The scholarships listed below are proudly sponsored by donors within Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest (GSDSW) and are available to Girl Scout Ambassadors currently registered with GSDSW. All eligible Girl Scouts must submit an application by April 19, 2024, to be considered. These one-time scholarships are offered only to girls entering their freshman year of higher education. You may apply for as many of the scholarships as you wish, and only one set of application materials is required. However, only one scholarship will be awarded to each applicant.
GSDSW offers the following scholarships:
Betty Jo Green Morgan Graduating Senior Scholarship, $500
Grace Rocha Graduating Senior Scholarship, $500
Megan Churchman Gold Award Scholarship, $1,000
Mary Wynn Hinkle Gold Award Scholarship, $1,000
Janice Eleanor Hill Matthews Gold Award Scholarship $1,000
Other scholarships available?
GSUSA Gold Award Scholarship. Now that you’ve earned a Gold Award, did you know that you can apply for a national scholarship for your post-secondary education? The GSUSA Gold Award Scholarship recognizes and provides financial support to one Gold Award Girl Scout per council and one from USA Girl Scouts Overseas.
Girl Scout Leadership Institute
The Girl Scout Leadership Institute (GSLI) is where a lot of the magic of the Girl Scout National Convention happens! It is a triennial conference that provides girls 14 and older with three days of leadership skill-building activities tied to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE). Girls tell us they want to make a real difference in the world.
The GSLI experience will give each girl the opportunity to make new friends, develop important skills, learn about new planning processes, and take advantage of a support system that will be there to meet her needs—all in a fun and engaging way.
Opportunity Fund
Our council strives to make Girl Scouting available to all girls. Girls and their families may apply for an Opportunity Fund to help pay for their participation in Girl Scouts.
For additional information and resources, please visit the scholarship page at girlscout.org.