Cookie Classic Golf Tournament | Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
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Cookie Classic Golf Tournament
Proceeds generated from the Cookie Classic Golf Tournament provide
programs that teach practical life and leadership skills to girls.
Your participation gives girls the materials they need to begin their
life journey as "Girl Scouts who make the world a better place."
Presenting Sponsor “The Big Cookie” $10,000 (1 available)
Title Sponsor, prominent placement of your company's logo on game
day banner, GSDSW website, social media and, verbal recognition, one
complimentary foursome, and the opportunity for you to include your
company branded items in the welcome bags.
Prominent placement of your company's logo displayed on sponsor
board, verbal recognition, one complimentary twosome, your company's
logo featured on the GSDSW website and social media, and the
opportunity for you to include your company branded items in the
welcome bags.
Silver Sponsor “Lemonades” $2,500 (Unlimited)
Your company's logo displayed on sponsor board, verbal recognition,
one complimentary golfer, your company's logo featured on the GSDSW
website and social media, and the opportunity for you to include your
company branded items in the welcome bags.
Bronze Sponsor “Trefoils” $1,500 (2 available)
Your company's logo displayed on sponsor board, and one tee sign,
social media posts, on GSDSW website, and the opportunity for you to
include your company branded items in the welcome bags. Lunch Sponsor
or Beverage Sponsor
Tee Sign Sponsor “Adventurefuls” $300 (Unlimited)
One tee sign and the opportunity for you to include your company
branded items in the welcome bags.